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Prison inspectors found the Chinese man had been in the centre for more than 20 months, but staff and managers had not even realised how long he had been there.

He had answered all the necessary biodata questions needed to obtain a travel document and had written to the authorities several times asking why the process was taking so long and when could he go home.

The report added: "The reply said that, according to the Chinese authorities, the small, remote village he named did not exist in that region.

"After 16 months, a member of the UKBA (UK Border Agency) team at Oakington established through the internet that the village did indeed exist and sent a copy of the map showing the village to the case owner. She also reported to the case owner that he appeared compliant and would like to return as soon as possible."

Incredibly, when the information was then passed on to the relevant case owner, the man was issued with a notice of non-compliance with the authorities and threatened with legal action.

His monthly review also continued to say he had given false information about his address.

The bloke was saying, essentially, "OK, you got me, now send me home" and still they held him?

Doesn\’t give you that much confidence in the system now, does it?

2 thoughts on “Eh?”

  1. “Doesn’t give you that much confidence in hte system now, does it?”

    On the other hand, it gives you plenty of confidence that the lawyers are not engaging in hyperbole when they talk about human rights abuses in the immigration system.

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