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Defending the BNP

This rather rankles.

Adam Walker could be banned from the profession for alleged racial and religious intolerance if the charges are proved.

He is believed to be the first teacher to be hauled before England\’s General Teaching Council to face the charge.

The 39-year-old from County Durham, who is the president of Solidarity, the trade union, claimed BNP members were being "victimised" because of their political views.

Although he admits using the school computers, Mr Walker denies the GTC charges and told the Times Educational Supplement that the case was driven by "politically motivated spite".

He\’s a BNP member and a teacher. It certainly seems like they\’re trying to ban him from being a teacher because he\’s a BNP member.

This rather rankles, as I say, because I have little interest in defending a BNP member, but quite clearly this man must indeed be defended. The question of whether someone may or may not be a teacher should be judged by whether or not they are a good teach. Their (legal) political views, their (legal) party membership should have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Further, once someone can be judged for a post upon their politial views, where will it end?

But Christina McAnea, of the Unison union, questioned whether BNP members should be allowed to teach.

"Schools should be centres of learning and tolerance, not a breeding ground for the poisonous views of the BNP," she said.

Once we\’ve a political test for teachers (or any other job) then who defines which views are acceptable? Do we clear out all those members of various Trotskyist groupuscules? Not unknown in teaching circles, after all, and they do seem to be working for the abolition of the bourgeoisie, ie most of us.

Tories not to be hired by Labour LEAs?

The line has to be drawn somewhere and if we\’re to remain a free society it\’s got to be that membership of a legal group, whatever their views, cannot be a bar to employment.


13 thoughts on “Defending the BNP”

  1. I could understand their concern if he is indeed pushing his political viewpoint in the school. Does anyone know if there are any rules against this or not? I would consider it to be bad practice, but I don’t know if it is banned.

    That said, it should apply equally to other parties. In practice, I think this would be very difficult to enforce. How would you distinguish between a politically motivated discussion and a general discussion.

  2. Well said, Tim. People’s political, religious or racial background have nothing whatsoever to do with their ability to teach. As long as they act professionally at all times in the classroom, what’s the problem?

    That said, I suspect this guy may have broken the rules of using ICT facilities at the school by visiting particular websites – although sacking him for it seems a little strong.

  3. “But Christina McAnea, of the Unison union, questioned whether BNP members should be allowed to teach.

    “Schools should be centres of learning and tolerance, not a breeding ground for the poisonous views of the BNP,” she said.”

    Translation: “Schools should be breeding grounds for the poisonous views of Unision, to the exclusion of all else.”

    The lefties raised hell about a ballerina who professed her support for the BNP, and tried to bully her out of her job. They will try it on whenever they trip over someone who doesn’t submit to their mind set. This is tyranny, and tyrants have to be busted.

  4. Toxic bacteria such as BNP supporters perish in the full oxygen of public exposure. They thrive and suppurate in dank isolation. Squishing them by fiat is thoroughly counterproductive.

  5. Unison are letting loose their bile at the “extreme right” BNP – that’s the party which believes in big government, statism, high taxes, income redistribution, renationalisation and protectionism, a party which is anti-American and anti-Israeli and wants Britain to leave NATO and our troops withdrawn fom Iraq and Afghanistan, most of which Unison activists would agree with wholeheartedly. The left is quite simply in denial about the BNP’s true nature – they are not an extreme right wing party by any logical definition.

    Another irony – the BNP’s forerunners, the Nazis, were masters of suppressing alternative viewpoints. 21st century political correctness is eerily similar – anyone who does not follow the PC orthodox is persecuted and silenced. So much for a tolerant society.

  6. I have the honour of representing Adam Walker before the GTC. I find it richly ironic that he is charged with expressing views of ‘racial and religious intolerance’. Tolerance to me is allowing those with whom you differ rights and freedoms. “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear.” – GEORGE ORWELL

    Adam was wrong to make personal use of his school computer during school time. It was sporadic and when pupils were working on projects. There is no evidence or suggestion that he has ever brought his political views into the classroom. His posts were done under a pseudonym and did not identify his role or where he worked. It is only because the School itself took extraordinary measures to monitor his Internet use that this has become a public issue.

    Our Union says that when Adam resigned from the school that should have been the end of the matter. Yet we find it kicked to the GTC and him facing being banned from teaching.

    I believe this raises serious civil liberties issues. I don’t think that teachers should have fewer rights to freedom of expression and association than others. We are prepared to argue our case.

    I hope that those who, like me, oppose racism but support freedom of expression will see that the two are not contradictory but rather, complementary. We don’t have to sacrifice freedom on the altar of an ill-conceived equality strategy.

  7. If Communists, Marxists et all were excluded from the teaching profession as well, half the schools in Britain would have to close.

  8. Lovers of liberty will be picketing the next hearing of the GTC in Victoria Square, Birmingham on November 17. The picket will run from 9am to 5pm. It has been called by the Civil Liberty organisation but will be supported by a coalition of groups and individuals. Enough is enough.

  9. I wish Adam Walker the best of luck in this forthcoming Election he will certainly get my vote The BNP is a political party and should be treated as such same as the raving loony party which i call Labour or the party of thieves which the Torys do not escape do not escape from. They are all at it and its time it was stopped and those responsible should be sacked and criminal proceedings should be brought against them never mind the rules there are people in the uk on the poverty line that dont even know where their next penny is gonna come from never mind a pound. The BNP has a right to exist same as thier supporters so good luck in the Euro Elections.

  10. I wish Adam Walker the best of luck in this forthcoming Election he will certainly get my vote The BNP is a political party and should be treated as such same as the raving loony party which i call Labour or the party of thieves which the Torys do not escape from. They are all at it and its time it was stopped and those responsible should be sacked and criminal proceedings should be brought against them never mind the rules there are people in the uk on the poverty line that dont even know where their next penny is gonna come from never mind a pound. The BNP has a right to exist same as thier supporters so good luck in the Euro Elections.

  11. On the comments above,I note a jewish journalist commenting on the bnp. I would suggest he visit Manchester library where I was recently recherching my family geneology.
    Entering the building I was faced with anti -jewish theme,placards, pinboards in the entrance hall,lurid graphics of “freedom fighters”I suggest that maybe the bigger threat maybe from islam rarther than the bnp. mmm,alan.

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